The Podcast
Being a parent, whether you are a new parent or a seasoned parent, is fucking bullshit. Do not even play with me. I know you have felt it too. We love our babies, but sometimes, you just want to lock yourself in a room and cry (I have).
This podcast is here to help. You feel like a fucking psycho? Guess what, so do we. We are here to cover all your neurotic moments. We cover topics you want to talk about but you are too afraid to talk about because of judgement or people not understanding and just feeling more alone. This is not a podcast that talks about the joys of motherhood and how perfect it is. This is raw, unrated, often vulgar, truth. From trying to get pregnant, to the toddler years, to bringing on baby number 2, we are here to cover it all. Come listen (or watch) and discover that you are not fucking crazy. Let's talk bitches.

Brooke Hahn: Host
I put humor into the struggles of parenthood and dive into tough topics for a reason. This is more than just a podcast to me. I know exactly how it feels to be a mom and never be alone. We always have a baby on our hip and a husband/wife/partner around, we are never alone, so why do we feel so alone? My daughter is almost 3 and I still feel so alone. I need this podcast and all of you just as much as you need it. My mission behind this podcast is to reach as many parents as I can and connect with you. I explore all perspectives of parenthood in this podcast to give my listeners the best chance to have that aha moment, of oh shit, I am not fucking crazy. Your mental health matters, you matter. Hey guilt, shame, and self-loathing, go fuck yourself.
Jennah Hahn: Co-Host
Listening to Brooke talk about her struggles made me realize how much I can relate. I am a single mother to a three-year-old, who suffers from depression. My depression started long before being a mother, but it’s important to me to better my mental health so that my daughter will hopefully never have to experience the same feelings and struggles I currently do. As mothers (and parents really, dads included!) we have to stand by each other and support one another. By joining this podcast, I hope to share pieces of my story and resources that I find that may be helpful to any and all of you. I hope that by sharing my sometimes crazy and hectic life, someone can relate and feel a little less crazy themselves! And if you are unable to relate specifically, then I’m always willing to listen and offer any help. Even as parents we have to remember (just like Brooke says) YOU matter!